Anshul Joshi

With the government today, coming with so many programmes, policies and schemes for Women and Children, the role of Media becomes foremost important in educating people and making them aware about these latest schemes, policies and developments, so that the underprivileged sections which are in dire need of help can be benefitted through these schemes. The biggest drawback or failure in the
functioning of any government policy/scheme is usually that, the schemes and policies are made keeping target sections in mind, but they ultimately don’t reach them because of lack of awareness and promotion in Media. Hence media can really prove itself to be a leading source and primary medium for educating people about all these latest developments and can connect people from even the most backward and unknown districts with the mainstream governance and administration by generating enough awareness. The Media should highlight the loopholes within our system and must report the flaws and areas where stringent steps need to be taken to reach out to appalled sections. All the branches of media whether Print, Electronic or Digital can work for this cause by creating awareness about circumstances wherein there can be violence against women and children, highligting the regions with high infant & maternal mortality rates, promoting talks on gender equality especially in backward and rural areas, exposing the rackets of child labour & trafficking and emphasizing on matters related to child abuse in our society. The government has initiated some really good schemes for Women and Child Welfare. But more than schemes and laws, social discussions, debate, promotion and awareness are the areas which need to be addressed to deal with concerned problems. The day, when these schemes and programmes will reach each and every corner of our country, then our developing country will emerge as a developed and prosperous nation. The government has made many schemes for women and child development, but people in rural and backward areas know only about two or three such schemes out of all. Therefore, there is an immense need to promote outreach. There has to be an openness to change and willingness to educate not just women but even men to make sure that the society is ready to embrace equal rights and opportunities for both men and women. The need of hour is to educate, aware and sensitize the society regarding women and child issues.


Child Welfare Schemes

Volume & Issue: 
Vol. 3, Issue 12
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